Due to the current COVID-19 crisis SFSU One Stop will be closed until further notice.
OneCard services are still available via voicemail and email. Photo services are available for staff only by appointment.
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For faster service and to schedule a photo appointment please email onecard@sfsu.edu.
Incoming Students
The OneCard Office will be sending confirmation emails to students with approved photo submissions. Once you received the email, there will be a link to the verification form. Please log in using your SFSU email (@mail.sfsu.edu) to fill out the form. If you do not wish to have your ID Card mailed out to you at this time you are not required to fill the form out. We will hold on to your ID card and you can pick it up once our office reopens.
(Scroll down to view Online Photo Submission FAQ)
Welcome back Gators! Your OneCard/Gator Pass transit benefits have officially started on August 24th, 2023 for those who have paid their State & Local fees and have gotten their OneCard printed early. If you recently paid your State & Local fees or have had your card recently printed, your transit benefits will start upon 5 to 10 days of paying and printing.
If your card is not functioning properly, please contact us at onecard@sfsu.edu and we will work with you to resolve the issue. Your OneCard/Gator Pass will serve as a regular Clipper card during Summer and Winter session. For more information, please read our One Card FAQs.
Important Information
- In order for your transit benefits to function correctly, please do not add external Muni or BART products onto your OneCard as this will replace your higher education discount. This includes autoload features and/or depositing more than $40.00 onto your Clipper account per transaction.
Q: How do I upload a photo?
A: Please use your SFSU email to request access using this link: http://onlinephoto.transactcampus.net/#/login
The access email will be sent to your SFSU email as well. Sometimes the access email gets blocked and will end up in your junk mail folder. If you do not see the access link in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder.
Q: Help! I tried entering my e-mail and it did not work.
A: Make sure you are using your SF State issued e-mail ending in @mail.sfsu.edu to request access.
-If you are having log-in issues with your SF State issued e-mail, please visit the website for instructions http://its.sfsu.edu/guides/student-email.
-Our system may have not been updated with your information to allow you to request access yet. Please e-mail us (onecard@sfsu.edu) if you are having issues with getting access with your SF State e-mail address.
Q: My photo keeps getting denied!
A: If your photo has been denied, you will be notified through e-mail with a reason. Please make sure your photo meets the criteria of an acceptable photo.
There are two photos you will need to submit:
- Photo of yourself
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Follow the criteria:
- Photo should only show head to chest. The entire head must be visible and close to the center of the photo.
- Photo should be taken against a one color, plain, light background or wall. No cluttered background
- Must be a color photo
- Must not include eyeglasses, sunglasses, or hats. Garments worn for religious purposes are acceptable.
- Body and head must be directly facing the camera. Head cannot be tilted
- Eyes should be open and looking at the camera
- Photo cannot have glare or bad lighting
- No photo filters
Q: Am I required to submit a photo? Do I need my ID?
A: Uploading a photo online to receive your SF State ID card is highly recommended at this time and it is the only way in receiving an ID currently as an orientation activity. You may delay this activity if you wish. We cannot say that you may need it or not for any class but it does provide transit benefits starting Fall 2023 semester.
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A: The OneCard Office will be sending confirmation emails to students with approved photo submissions. Once you received the email, there will be a link to the verification form. Please log in using your SFSU email (@mail.sfsu.edu) to fill out the form. We do not currently have a timeframe of when you will receive your card. We appreciate your patience at this time while we work towards sending out your ID cards very soon.
If you do not wish to have your ID Card mailed out to you at this time you are not required to fill the form out. We will hold on to your ID card and you can pick it up once our office reopens.
Q: Replacement for Lost/Stolen card
A: Due to the current social distancing action in effect, we will be exempting the $22.00 OneCard replacement fee and new photo requirement until further notice.
In order to receive a new replacement OneCard, 雷霆免费加速器Android官方网站,雷霆加速器官方安卓版本 ...:2021-5-23 · 这可能是最好的免费加速器,雷霆加速器提供800+节点全球覆盖,用专线加速低延迟来确保您的任何网络通信通道安全 to prove your identity and respond with your current mailing address.
Please note that your replacement ID may take 2 or more weeks to arrive as we only are printing ID cards once every week or two during the current crisis.
Q: I need assistance further assistance, how can I reach someone at the OneCard office?
A: The best way to reach us at this time is to e-mail us at onecard@sfsu.edu.
Although you can call our office to leave a voicemail, there may be delays in our response at this time.